I wasn’t looking for a conspiracy

When I began my research on the history of the Hanford nuclear weapons factory, the public knew only that it had supplied the plutonium for the atomic bomb that destroyed Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. I was not thinking I’d find that the federal government and its contractors DuPont and General Electric had conspired to deceive their fellow citizens about Hanford’s huge radiation releases. Nor that they were successful in keeping that radioactive pollution secret for more than forty years. But that’s exactly what I discovered.

This blog will share memories from my part in the Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage that walked across the U.S. and nine other countries calling for nuclear disarmament; findings from my decades of pursuing the truth about U.S. nuclear weapons production and testing; and current opportunities to join the international push to rid the world of nuclear weapons.

I have written a memoir, Atomic Pilgrim, that recounts the epic 6700-mile walk from the Bangor Trident submarine base near Seattle to Bethlehem in the Holy Land and the highlights of my years of involvement on Hanford issues. Will you join me on this rewarding quest for peace?


Secrecy Continues About Hanford’s Largest Radiation Emission — 74 Years After Infamous Green Run